PRESENT Academy Blended Method

For linguists, language is a skill. Learning a language is not just about learning grammar rules. As with all other skills, it should be supported with enough practice and acquired in a natural process just like our mother tongue. The PRESENT Academy Blended Method was designed around this principle. With the steps of listening, repetition, reading, speaking, writing and practicing, it offers a natural process as we learn our mother tongue, not artificial like memorization. Thus, it allows you to easily understand and speak English with privileges that classical methods can never offer.

International Standards

Our levels are prepared according to the world’s most reliable standards, the Global Scale of English. In addition, the compatibility of the levels our students with American set standards to make sure that they receive an education at international standards. English, which is used as a common language in many sectors and gaining an international character, is a much needed language today.

Results Guaranteed

Thanks to our proven teaching method, we guarantee that every student who attends training weekly will reach the desired level of English.

Continuous Measurement

We regularly monitor the progress of our students and provide them with detailed reports showing their progress in terms of core skills, listening-comprehension skills and fluency. In this way, we measure their progress not only at the end of the training, but at every stage of the training.

Flexible Program

Our students can do their interactive lessons and digital book studies using the smart technology. The practical lessons, which take place in the presence of a teacher, we offer them a lesson program with alternative days and hours. Students attend their classes by choosing the most suitable time for them from the program. Thus, they continue their lessons without being tied to a fixed day and time.

English-Speaking Environment Only

Our center offers students an entirely English-speaking environment from the first moment they walk through the door. Being constantly in an English-speaking environment provides our students with a natural English acquisition. On the other hand, our expert teachers encourage and guide students to express themselves in English, even at the beginner level.